Solutions to Fit Your Needs – Take Back Your Confidence

Alopecia Wigs – Medical Cranial Prosthetics

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Gorgeous Wigs for Women

Custom Alopecia Wigs & Medical Cranial Prosthetics for Women Experience Hair Loss. Over the years wigs have received a bad reputation. In many cases they deserved that reputation as they weren’t designed, manufactured, or styled to the highest quality standards. Unfortunately, the hair replacement business is such that you only notice bad quality workmanship. Quality wigs and hair pieces are never noticed for what they are because they look so totally and absolutely natural.

For over 40 years, Betty Ann Bugden’s Total Image Hair Replacement has worked tirelessly to make sure that the custom wigs, toppers, and hair replacement systems we create for our clients are of the very finest quality.

Alopecia Wigs & Medical Cranial Prosthetics for Permanent and Temporary Hair Loss

We take great pride in our beautiful custom human hair wigs. When you are looking for the ultimate in comfort and style there is really nothing like a high quality human hair wig.

If you suffer from hair loss and thinning hair, whether it be caused by Alopecia, medical treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation treatments, thyroid issues, or other medical conditions such as Trichotillomania, we offer beautiful 100% natural human hair wigs that are light, easy to maintain, wonderful to wear, and simply gorgeous!

Many of our fine quality human hair and virgin European hair wigs are hand tied. By hand knotting, our wigs have a much more natural appearance with respect to the amount of hair in the cap, not to mention how the hair moves when the wig is worn. You also have greater comfort and a lighter wig than mass produced machine-made wigs.

We know that many of our clients have come to us for wigs because they are suffering from varying degrees of hair loss. Therefore we offer wigs that are especially designed for women with little or no hair, with a base that is designed in such a way so as not to irritate a sensitive scalp.

Beautiful 100% Natural Human Hair Wigs

Our virgin European hair wigs are unmatched anywhere! ‘Virgin’ hair from Europe doesn’t undergo any chemical processing or colorization. The result is hair that is softer and lighter with more natural color and depth of tone. The hair itself also has more strength than processed hair, resulting in a longer lasting wig.

We know the emotional stress of losing your hair and the real impact it can have on you emotionally, physically and in your day-to-day life. This is why we offer only the finest 100% human hair and fine quality synthetic wigs and hair additions in a professional, confidential and caring atmosphere. Please contact us today to arrange a private, confidential wig consultation.

Get Started With a
Free Consultation

WHETHER YOU ARE EXPERIENCING thinning hair or simply just want to stop your hair loss, or want more hair, we offer the latest clinically proven hair loss treatments and hair restoration solutions for men and women of all ages and hair types.

We want to help you find the hair loss solution that is right for you. Fill out our form to get started with your free, private consultation.

Get Answers Today

Restore Your Hair. Restore Your Life. Book your free, private hair loss evaluation today.

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