Men’s Hair Loss Causes & Hair Loss Treatment Solutions


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Men’s Hair Loss Solutions

MEN’S HAIR LOSS CAUSES. There are a number of factors that can cause hair loss in men, but over 95% of all men’s hair loss is caused by heredity and genetics: androgenic alopecia, which manifests itself as male pattern baldness. There are several other factors that can cause hair loss in men that can include extreme or rapid hair loss, including medical treatments, thyroid issues, and compulsive hair pulling (trichotillomania). There are also scalp conditions that can also contribute men having thinning hair.

While there are any number for factors that contribute to men’s hair loss causes and the anxiety and accompanying lower self-esteem and diminished self-confidence,  it is important to know that there are proven non-surgical men’s hair loss solutions that actually work, and are available for men of all ages and hair types.

Proven Men’s Hair Loss Solutions

At Bugden’s Total Image Hair Replacement in Shenandoah, Pennsylvania, we begin with a complete hair and scalp evaluation to help you get the right hair loss solution that best suits your particular hair loss type and degree, your expectations and lifestyle. If you are a man that is just beginning to experience thinning hair, our FDA cleared low level laser hair therapy could be an excellent option.

If you are experiencing a more advanced degree of hair loss and balding, them our state-of-the-art men’s non-surgical hair replacement systems offer an ideal men’s hair loss solution to restore the volume and fullness you once had. Our excellent men’s hair replacements are custom designed to your specific requirements and made with the finest in 100% natural human hair. The result is a great looking head of hair, that looks, feels, and flows just like your own natural growing hair; and is virtually undetectable to both sight and touch, even when you’re up close and personal.

We have the latest and most advanced, proven solutions for all types of men’s hair loss. The first step to get your hair back and restore your confidence is to come in for a private, complimentary hair and scalp evaluation.

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Get Started With a
Free Consultation

WHETHER YOU ARE EXPERIENCING thinning hair or simply just want to stop your hair loss, or want more hair, we offer the latest clinically proven hair loss treatments and hair restoration solutions for men and women of all ages and hair types.

We want to help you find the hair loss solution that is right for you. Fill out our form to get started with your free, private consultation.

Get Answers Today

Restore Your Hair. Restore Your Life. Book your free, private hair loss evaluation today.

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